Restrictions for Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria

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As restrictions continue to ease across Victoria we ask Members to review the six principles of COVIDSafe workplaces that must be followed by every Victorian business that is open.

COVIDSafe principles for business:

1. Ensure physical distancing

  • staff should work from home wherever possible
  • apply density quotient
  • some sectors allowed to lessen the reduction in staff levels
  • some sectors allowed to lessen the reduction in patrons
  • no carpooling to work

2. Wear a face mask

3. Practise good hygiene:

  • auditing of cleaning schedules

    4. Keep records and act quickly if staff become unwell:

    • ask staff to declare verbally before each shift that are free of symptoms.

    5. Avoid interactions in close spaces

    6. Create workforce bubbles:

    • limit number of staff members working across other work sites

      All businesses must have a COVIDSafe plan for onsite operations.

      All Victorians must wear a fitted face mask when they leave home, no matter where they live, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so. A face mask needs to be worn covering both your nose and mouth.


      Metropolitan Melbourne is in Third Step.

      Changes to restrictions commenced 11:59pm Tuesday, 27 October 2020:

      • Melbourne has moved from “stay home” to “stay safe”, with no more restrictions on the reasons to leave home.
      • The 25-kilometre limit remains in place to limit the virus’s ability to travel.
      • The border between regional Victoria and Melbourne will also remain in place.
      • Melbourne’s cafes, restaurants and pubs can reopen.  Outdoors with a limit of up to 50, indoors up to 20.
      • Remaining retail has also opened.
      • Beauty and personal care services can resume.
      • Outdoor contact sport for those aged 18 and under will also begin again – so too can non-contact sport for adults. PT, fitness and dance classes can also be held outdoors with up to ten people, and the number of people at outdoor pools can increase to 50, subject to density limits.
      • Libraries and community venues will be able to open for outdoor events.
      • Outdoor entertainment venues can also begin hosting visitors.
      • Faith communities will be able to meet for outdoor religious ceremonies with up to 20 people, in addition to those required for the service. Indoor services can be held with up to 10.
      • Weddings will increase to ten people, and funerals up to 20.

      Workplaces will no longer need to be on the permitted work list to open and the ability to work will change to “if you can work from home you must work from home”.

      While the boundary is in place, work permits will still be required for workers from Melbourne travelling into regional Victoria – and vice versa.

      When can we expect to see further changes to restrictions? From 8 November, it is expected that the same eased restrictions that apply to regional Victoria will also apply to Melbourne.


      Regional Victorian remains in Third Step restrictions.

      Are Conveyancers permitted to keep operating under the Third Step in regional Victoria?

      Conveyancers can operate noting the current restriction level is “restricted” which means that employees should work from home or single site where reasonably practicable.

      Restrictions easing from 11:59pm 27 October 2020:

      • Indoor exercise, including gyms, can reopen with limits on the number of people in spaces.
      • Indoor non-contact sport can also resume for those aged 18 years and under.
      • Outdoor religious gatherings can be held near a place of worship with up to 50 people plus a faith leader.
      • Indoor religious gatherings can be held with up to 10 people per group (plus a faith leader), and 20 people per facility.
      • Funerals will be allowed with up to 50 people if held outdoors.
      • Indoor pools can open for all ages up to 20 people.
      • Live music will be allowed in outdoor bars, restaurants and cafes.
      • Food courts can open for indoor and outdoor dining with limits on the number of customers.
      • Transport and tours may resume with limits on booking size.

      For further information on the further easing of restrictions in regional Victoria visit

      Quick links:

      Statement from the Premier dated 29 October 2020

      Industry restriction levels: Metropolitan Melbourne

      Industry restriction levels: Regional Victoria

      Face Masks